Michael Guen is a reputed acupuncturist. Guen holds a Ph.D. in Psychology and has been studying Martial Arts for more than 30 years. Michael Guen has made his reputation by providing his patients with relief both mentally and physically. He is the most reliable person to go to when one is suffering from any physical or mental tension or problems with oriental medication, acupuncture, continuous counseling and martial arts. Michael Guen has his own dojo where he guides his students to mental peace with martial arts. Being the 5th generation disciple of Yin Fu Ba Gua Quan linage, he completed his martial art course under grandmaster Gong Baozai. Michael Guen has spent his time travelling Asia and America so he can spread the words of art and wisdom.
Michael Guen has mostly focused on providing pain relief through acupuncture to his patients. Not only does he provide with immense care to his patients, he helps them to practice martial arts so they can relive themselves with regular stretching and basic exercise. The acupuncture procedure is a technical task and Michael Guen travelled Asia to learn this method from his master. He perfected his skills over the years and started teaching and counseling so he can spread pain relief and happiness amongst the people.
Providing people with mental, Michael Guenis a renowned psychiatrist who knows how to deal with mental illness and its attributes. A number of his patients have just positive reviews and have found peace of mind. He has helped his patients out of depression, agitation, frustration and such complex mental issues. Helping his patients to attain their goals with the most feasible outcome and solutions, he has always been there for his students and patients as they seek his valuable help and remedies to attain bliss.
Michael Guen is a martial artist, who knows how brain works and has a vast knowledge of relieving physical pain. He guides them to feel happy and relieve pain. He leaves no stones unturned when it comes to availing the most proficient services to the people. He is a person enthusiastic about life and spreading smiles across people’s face and making them feel mentally and physically well.
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